Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
A transformational learning journey growing
self-compassion, courage, trust and confidence.
What's on offer?
A fully facilitated live online course which takes participants on an in-depth journey of discovery and learning designed to be truly transformational and evoke lasting and meaningful change.
Over 4 weeks, the course builds awareness and understanding of Imposter Syndrome, helping participants develop important qualities of self-leadership including: curiosity, compassion, clarity, creativity, courage, self-worth, self-trust and confidence.
Participants attend a 90-minute webinar each week for 4 weeks in which we will explore wisdom, insights and practices. The course also features weekly ‘Buddy Calls’ with a different course-mate each week (optional) plus a weekly ‘homework’ practice and/or exploration/inquiry.
We will consciously foster a safe, supportive, compassionate and intentional learning environment. Group size is kept small (max. 10 people) to support this.
The weekly live sessions are engaging, experiential and practical, and responsive to group needs. As part of this, I offer individual and group coaching/mentoring to help participants (for example) recognise and release unhelpful thoughts, beliefs and patterns of behaviour.
Before the course, participants are sent preparation information featuring group agreements, a recommended TED talk and some optional inquiry questions which they may like to explore in advance.
After the course, I share A Deeper Dive, a carefully curated selection of books, articles, podcasts, videos, guided meditations and more, supporting participants explore and practice further in areas of particular interest.
I will not be offering Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a public course again however if you are interested in my facilitating a bespoke course for one or more groups of colleagues within your organisation, please contact me.
*** Free webinar - last chance! ***
Periodically, I offer A Rough Guide to Imposter Syndrome, a free webinar designed to help raise awareness and understanding of Imposter Syndrome. The session typically lasts around 50 minutes and is inclusive, informative and engaging.
The next webinar will take place at 12:15-1pm (UK) on Friday 14th February 2025.
Following my decision to close Lead From Within (more about this), this will be the last opportunity to engage with this webinar with me.
Please click here for full details and to reserve your place (places are limited and can fill up fast).
What is Imposter Syndrome?
Imposter Syndrome is a term coined by Oberlin psychologists Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes in the late 1970s to describe a set of debilitating thoughts, feelings and beliefs that has us feeling we are frauds, that we don’t deserve our successes and/or it’s only a matter of time before we’re “found out”.
Research literature estimates that over 70% of us experience Imposter Syndrome in our careers and wider lives.
Other ‘symptoms’ of Imposter Syndrome include feelings of not being good enough or capable enough, feeling unworthy, unsuccessful and/or unlikable.
Imposter Syndrome can also manifest in unhealthy comparison, unrealistically high expectations of oneself, low self-worth, judgment of self and others, negative self-talk (an activated ‘inner critic’), self-doubt and second guessing.
Imposter Syndrome typically engenders feelings of powerlessness, and over time, can lead or contribute to poor mental and emotional health, anxiety and depression.
Imposter Syndrome can effect anyone however it remains particularly prevalent among women, people from non-dominant cultural backgrounds and people in oppressed, disadvantaged, marginalised and/or underrepresented groups indicating it is in part a response to systemic harm and/or oppression.
Common imposter ‘symptoms’
You may relate to some (or all) of these common imposter beliefs and behaviours:
feeling you’re not ready, worthy, capable or in some other way ‘good’ enough
feeling like you’re a ‘fraud’ and that it’s only a matter of time before you’re 'found out’
debilitating levels of self-doubt, self-criticism or self-judgement
low self-worth and low self-confidence
any/all of what I term the ‘Draining P's’: People Pleasing, Perfectionism, Procrastination or Powering Through, exhausting and unsustainable ‘overcompensating’ behaviours
undervaluing your talents and downplaying or belittling your accomplishments
holding back in meetings, not expressing your opinions or sharing your knowledge
fixating on negative outcomes and overcompensating by working harder, later or both
despite positive feedback/experience, carrying a story that you’re 'winging it’
passing up opportunities and staying ‘safe’ in roles you have outgrown or for which you are over-qualified
feeling unfulfilled; not making the contribution you know you’re capable of
prioritising others' needs at a cost to your own energy, needs or self-expression
feeling you don’t belong in your role, your team or your organisation
manifestations of the fight, flight, freeze, fawn, response (examples): tension, racing thoughts, sweaty palms, dry mouth, throat constriction, nausea, headache, physically shrinking or ‘puffing up’, aggression, a feeling of wanting to run, hide or disappear.
Who is this course for?
Anyone and everyone suffering from any of the fear- and shame-based ‘symptoms’ of Imposter Syndrome shared above.
Women working in currently or historically male-dominated sectors (and vice versa).
People from non-dominant cultural backgrounds or from racialised, marginalised and otherwise oppressed groups are particularly welcome as research shows Imposter Syndrome is especially prevalent among people from these backgrounds.
Leaders of all kinds will benefit as the course will help them understand their own ‘imposter’ experiences as well as those of the colleagues they lead, manage, mentor or coach.
Organisations wishing to enhance staff well-being by building resilience and resourcefulness around Imposter Syndrome in the workplace.
Our Learning Journey
Over the four weeks of the course you will:
Deepen your understanding of what Imposter Syndrome is, particularly in terms of ‘imposter’ thoughts, feelings, beliefs, somatic experiences and behaviours.
Gain insight into the systemic, societal and cultural expectations and norms which drive and amplify Imposter Syndrome.
Explore common debilitating imposter beliefs and behaviours, and map these to your experience.
Identify situations which evoke Imposter Syndrome for you and understand the impact these may be having on your expression, impact and fulfillment.
Learn practical and empowering knowledge, tools, skills and practices designed to help you:
meet your imposter experiences with greater compassion, wisdom and confidence
court and embrace healthy risk in service of your learning, growth and fulfilment
experience greater authenticity, self-trust and self-belief
respond creatively and resourcefully to triggering situations
reclaim your inner authority
grow your personal and professional confidence
build greater imposter resilience and resourcefulness by connecting with compassion, curiosity, creativity and self-worth
use your breath and other embodied practices to ground, soothe and resource yourself
experience greater freedom, vitality and authenticity from dialling down compensatory behaviours e.g., people pleasing, perfecting, procrastinating and powering through
Our Learning Environment
The course is principally shared through 4 live weekly webinars each lasting 90 minutes (dates for the next course are shared above).
We learn through a mix of knowledge-sharing, experiential practice, personal inquiry, somatic practices, meditations and visualisations, discussion in pairs, triads plus individual and group coaching/mentoring.
There will be time each week to share your experience, and learn from those of fellow participants, in a safe, compassionate and supportive environment.
You may choose to deepen your learning and sense of connection through optional weekly ‘buddy’ calls.
Optional weekly inquiries, exercises, practices (e.g. meditations, breathwork and other embodied practices) help you gain even deeper insight into (examples): your particular imposter triggers, beliefs and behaviours; your levels of self-compassion; your relationship with healthy risk-taking; your levels of self-worth and self-trust; your core values and strengths and how these can support you.
I blend in poems, archetypes, story, music and movement to enrich and deepen the learning experience.
Group sizes are kept small (no more than 10 per course) to foster trust, support depth of exploration and learning, and allow time for group and individual coaching/mentoring.
After the course, I provide a curated selection of ‘Deeper Dive’ materials (books, articles, podcasts, practices, poems, talks and other resources) supporting your deeper exploration of topics and issues which are particularly alive for you.
Learning Outcomes
My overarching goal with this course is to help participants experience greater levels of personal and professional confidence enabling them to express more of their gifts and talents, and make the most impactful contribution they can in their working and wider lives.
The course is also designed to help participants:
meet their imposter experiences with greater self-compassion and wisdom;
respond creatively and resourcefully to activating ‘imposter’ situations;
understand and better manage their ‘inner critic’;
recognise and dial down debilitating ‘imposter’ behaviours including: comparison, perfectionism, procrastination, people pleasing and more;
court and embrace healthy risk-taking in service of their growth, fulfilment and workplace contribution;
recognise and release debilitating self-doubt;
embody greater authenticity, self-trust and self-belief;
reclaim their power and personal authority by recognising and valuing their unique strengths, gifts, talents and abilities;
understand - and uphold - healthy boundaries;
fulfil more of their potential in their chosen profession;
contribute to healthier, more sustainable workplaces
learn simple breathwork and other embodied practices which build resilience and resourcefulness on the spot and over time;
experience greater vitality and authenticity in the workplace and beyond
(the above are consistently reported as learning outcomes by course ‘alumni’)
Benefits to Organisations
Organisations which support their staff to skilfully navigate Imposter Syndrome are set to reap benefits in a range of business-critical areas including:
providing practical, meaningful leadership development around an issue which holds too many talented people back;
empowering more women and people from diverse backgrounds to become leaders, harnessing the many benefits and opportunities of a more diverse and inclusive workplace;
fostering greater creativity, innovation and risk-taking among staff;
championing healthier, more sustainable leadership styles which model vulnerability, trust and openness;
enhancing workplace engagement and effectiveness whilst addressing a significant contributor to exhaustion and burnout;
supporting robust succession planning;
competing effectively by realising the full potential of the whole workforce.
Course content
Week 1: Understanding Imposter Syndrome
Sharing course structure and goals; identifying your personal learning goals. Creating a safe and courageous container for our time together; acknowledging personal transformation as an ‘inside job’ and introducing the principle of titration. Defining imposter syndrome; exploring common imposter ‘symptoms’ – cognitive, psychological, emotional, physical and spiritual/existential. Understanding the personal and systemic roots of Imposter Syndrome. Exploring common imposter beliefs and behaviours and mapping these to your experience; identifying situations which activate your imposter ‘symptoms’. Sharing simple cognitive and breath-based practices you can work with straight away to ground yourself when Imposter Syndrome strikes. Week 1 Inquiry and Buddy Call.Week 2: Understanding Us
Drawing on trauma wisdom and Internal Family Systems, understand our Inner Critic including common signs and ‘symptoms’, roots and function. Journaling exercise with paired sharing in breakout rooms. Group sharing. Inquiry and practice helping us meet and connect with our Inner Critic more constructively and compassionately. Week 2 Inquiry and Buddy Call.Week 3: Empowering Us
Exploring common ‘imposter’ behaviours which I call “The Draining Ps”: Perfectionism, People Pleasing, Procrastination and Powering Through. We will consider the subconscious beliefs and patterns that can drive these inauthentic and exhausting behaviours and consider their impact on us, our well-being, relationships and more. Week 3 practices help us harness the power of (i) permission and (ii) self-compassion, empowering us to dial down the Draining Ps and relax into a fuller sense of our authentic, grounded and sufficient Self. Week 3 Practice and Buddy Call.Week 4: Transforming Us
Exploring comparison as a prominent - and debilitating - feature of Imposter Syndrome; considering ways we can let go of comparing ourselves to others. Identifying our Core Values and exploring how when we embody these, we can navigate the choppy waters of Imposter Syndrome with greater curiosity, courage, clarity, authority and choice. Reviewing our learning journey together. Revisiting your goals and mapping your key learning. Week 4 Bonus Practice and Buddy Call.
“The course exceeded my hopes & expectations. It took me courage to sign up…but I am so glad that I put myself first and took the plunge. I now feel I have so many amazing resources to draw on, and that I can continue to explore this as an area of my life. I am so grateful and would love to work more on some of the areas that came up in this course. Thank you Sarah.” (CC, Humble Bee Productions, participant, Feb 2024)
I am much more aware of ‘triggers’ for imposter syndrome e.g. meetings with senior colleagues, difficult conversations and the fact that I may fall into the trap of people pleasing and perfectionism. I now feel more able to manage these situations and am less harsh on myself...I feel like I have the tools to help me manage better going forward and have more confidence in situations that I previously found challenging […] I found these [Buddy Calls] incredibly powerful in understanding that I’m not alone and sharing my gains and struggles with others and vice versa. Journeying in a small group was really useful in terms of getting the group to open up and feel safe. I have significantly benefited from attending this course…I’m looking forward to my journey now whereas ‘imposter syndrome’ used to hang over me in all aspects of my life. Thank you so much Sarah for your kind and considerate delivery. (KH, Audit Wales, participant, Feb 2024)
“I have realised that there is actually much more to Imposter Syndrome than I realised before, and I can recognise so much more of it in me than before – which sounds like a bad thing, but I thought they were just negative aspects of my character or personality, but actually it is just a small part of me acting out because of the inner critic….now I can recognise it, I can do something about it. I really want to thank you for this fantastic course, I can’t praise it enough. I was so nervous before hand as I didn’t think it was going to be ‘me’, I was concerned it would be too ‘happy/clappy’ for me and I wouldn’t be able to engage, but it wasn’t like that at all. You really made it a safe space for us to come together and share what we were going through in the comforting knowledge that we weren’t alone.” (Isla Pavey, NHS, participant, Feb 2024)
“Your delivery was incredibly warm and welcoming. Your style was conversational, thought provoking, encouraging. You allowed us time to think and take it all on board. Perfect amount of info per session. Hand outs were fantastic. So helpful to have such great resources sent, so that we could focus fully on the course rather than taking notes.” (Participant, Feb 2024)
“I would like to say again how much I appreciated and valued the course – it was very well run and gave a lot of practical help that I will take away and continue to work on throughout my career. (Participant, BBC, Jan/Feb 2024)
“The course for me was a catalyst to make some changes in my life and not continue to do things that were holding me back or making me unhappy. As a result, I have changed my career path and will be refocussing my energy on something that I believe I can really add some value to.” (PN, participant February 2023)
“I truly appreciated your style and your inclusive and considerate approach.”
(Participant, February 2022)“I have encountered feelings of inadequacy throughout my professional life and this has led me to adopt behaviours that aren’t always helpful (e.g. the Deadly Ps). Over the 4 weeks, Sarah introduced a range of excellent tools, techniques and resources that I feel will benefit me in both my professional and private life, as well as helping me to develop a deeper understanding of why I have struggled with Imposter Syndrome in the past. Since attending…I am already more mindful of my inner voice and conscious of when this becomes overly critical or not constructive. I am gradually finding it easier to challenge negative thought patterns and behaviours with ones that are more helpful.”
(Anna Franca, Collections Manager, Edge Hill University, May 2021)“I have felt a lot more confident and happy at work (and in other areas). Friends and colleagues have commented that they notice a difference in me. I had lost a lot my of old confidence in recent years however after the course, I am finding it easier to make work decisions, to manage my time, and assert myself more. I find myself thinking about the course on a more or less daily basis. Sarah, you managed to create a really productive, good-humoured atmosphere to discuss what could have been quite a difficult set of issues that stir up quite a lot of emotion. I would never have imagined such a course could be so enjoyable!” (Lis Parcell, participant May 2021)
“Sarah, thank you so much for the session. I really feel like I learned so much. Prior to the session I didn’t really know much about Imposter Syndrome and so I hoped I would come away with a better understanding. In reality you gave me so much more than that. There’s lots that I want to do differently, and I intend to start by being kinder and more compassionate to myself. I am also going to use my new knowledge to have very different conversations with my team, including being really honest about Imposter Syndrome and encouraging them to think about the ‘Deadly P’s’ and where we can dial down these behaviours when they’re not serving us.”
Superintendent Lindsey Butterfield, Commander, York & Selby Police, Dec 2020“I appreciate all that you’ve shared with us, with me. You’ve given me so many wonderful resources and tools, and I am so grateful. Thank you, again, for presenting concepts in such a clear and useful manner. I’m letting my HR folks know about this course so that they can recommend it to others who might be feeling similarly. I really got so much out of this.” (Kim Maxwell, Co-Interim Associate Director for Collections, MIT Libraries*, Cambridge, MA)
"I wanted to tell you how much I am loving the course, and how impactful it's been. It has come at such a good time for me, and I am able to put some new thoughts and actions in place because of the work here. Thank you so much for your wisdom & your generous spirit!” (Christine Orr, Director of Sales & Marketing, BioOne )“This course came at exactly the right time for me. The course helped me become a better friend to myself and reconnect with my strengths. I also learned practical tools and practices which are helping me to choose curiosity over fear. The content was excellent and I really learnt from the input of other attendees. I now believe I have something of value to give, even though I’m not as loud/extrovert as some.”
(Geraldine Huzar, Learning and Teaching Librarian, Open University)“I am so much more centred, and a much better colleague and manager thanks to you and the course…I tell people frequently, that it changed my life.”
(Charlie Rapple, Co-founder of Kudos)
"I sincerely appreciate the care and empathy that you gave to us all during the Imposter Syndrome course. This provided us the space we needed to open enough to express feelings we might not otherwise have known we had, or felt it too precarious to express.”
(Susan Skomal, President/CEO, BioOne)“Sarah’s Overcoming Imposter Syndrome course gave me significantly heightened awareness of my personal triggers so that I can now make conscious decisions to avoid those triggers, or at least to be aware when they are in play. This has enabled greater clarity in decision making, and boldness of choice. Sarah’s open and gentle approach, combined with the peer-support element of the course, meant participation was an enjoyable, nourishing experience as well as offering practical solutions I could apply in my day job and life in general. I valued the course so much I invited Sarah to deliver a workshop to a larger group of colleagues in my organization, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.” (Anna O’Brien, Senior Editorial Director, Wiley Publishers)
“It was all valuable – and a very cathartic experience for me. It was good to meet other colleagues and share common issues. It became obvious that we are all similar – even those who said originally that they didn’t experience imposter syndrome reflected and recognised they had but had just not known it had a label. This made me feel more comfortable and accepted.” (Claire Pridgeon, Senior Leadership Trainer, College of Policing, Dec 2020)
[*views expressed are personal and do not reflect endorsement by the affiliate institution]
Pricing - New Options
I want this work to be as accessible to as many people as possible and am offering a pricing scale to support this. If this scale is beyond your present means, I welcome a conversation about payment plans and partial scholarships:
£595 – Standard rate (choose this option if you/your organisation have sufficient financial resources for this experience).
£295 – Discounted rate (choose this option if you have limited financial resources and would benefit from supported access to this workshop).
£145 – Scholarship rate (choose this option if you have limited resources, have difficulty saving due to less reliable income or pay, or if you live in a country where earning power is less).
*Multiple Rate: where 3 or more people from the same organisation book the same public course, each will receive a 10% discount i.e. the fee will be £535 for each person
I trust people will be fair about their circumstances, honouring the time, experience, dedication and love I bring to this powerfully transformational work.
Private Courses
I will not be offering Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a public course again however if you are interested in my facilitating a bespoke course for one or more groups of colleagues within your organisation, please contact me.
In 2024, I began delivering this course as a private learning journey for staff within the same organisation offering discounted pricing determined by the number of participants. If this is of interest to your organisation, please contact me to discuss your learning needs.
Please note, I set a maximum group size for this course at 12 people to ensure a high quality learning experience for all participants.
To date, over 800 people have engaged with my Imposter Syndrome online courses, webinars, talks and workshops.
Clients of this work include: BAFTA, the BBC, BioOne, Cooper Surgical, CrossRef, Edge Hill University, Harvard University, ITV, Institute of Physics, JISC, KUDOS, MIT Libraries, NHS, Ofcom, Open University, SANDS, T&F Informa, The College of Policing of England and Wales, UNISON, University of Gloucester, University of Wales Trinity St David’s, University of Westminster, Wiley.
Through ScreenSkills, I also regularly facilitate workshops for researchers, producers and other camera-side professionals working for, or contracted with: the BBC, Channel 4, Channel 5, Disney+, Netflix, ITV and Sky.
Ready to Book Your Place?
Following my decision to close Lead From Within (more details here), I will not be offering Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a public course again. If you are interested in my facilitating a bespoke course for one or more groups of colleagues within your organisation, this is still possible. Please contact me.
Additional Imposter Syndrome Learning Journeys
I offer two further learning journeys around Imposter Syndrome designed to meet specific learning and development needs within organisations:
UNDERSTANDING IMPOSTER SYNDROME (75 minute interactive webinar)
A lively and engaging introductory session featuring a blend of knowledge-sharing and interactive segments plus time for questions and sharing designed to raise awareness and understanding of Imposter Syndrome within an organisation. This is an introductory session designed for groups of 20-100. Click here for full details.
NAVIGATING IMPOSTER SYNDROME (2.5 hour immersive workshop)
An engaging, experiential and practical online workshop designed to give participants a good understanding of Imposter Syndrome plus some tools and practices designed to help them navigate their ‘imposter’ experiences with greater awareness, confidence and trust, helping them express, fulfil and contribute more of their potential. Designed for groups of 6-12 people. Click here for full details.
*** Free webinar - last chance! ***
Periodically, I offer A Rough Guide to Imposter Syndrome, a free webinar designed to help raise awareness and understanding of Imposter Syndrome. The session typically lasts around 50 minutes and is inclusive, informative and engaging.
The next webinar will take place at 12:15-1pm (UK) on Friday 14th February 2025.
Following my decision to close Lead From Within (more about this), this will be the last opportunity to engage with this webinar with me.
Please click here for full details and to reserve your place (places are limited and can fill up fast).